ATTENTION: Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
DO NOT Attempt Paid Adverts Until You've Learned This!!!

From The Desk of Broda Dapo (May 16th, 2021)
Dear friend,
This is what many people's online sales systems
look likeππ
Many of these people are hardworking men and women who slave their lives away everyday to provide for their families, but their efforts to make good sales online is no different than pouring water into a leaking basin - wasted time, wasted energy, wasted money.
Here's the uncomfortable truth though:
Effort is NOT a substitute for knowledgeπ’!!
It's either you know what you are doing online or you don't!
Consumers don't care if you haven't eaten since yesterday night! It's either you β give them what they want β in the way they want it to be given, or they'll quickly go elsewhere. We do it to sellers all the time - even you and I!
Do you ever ask the roadside vendor if she has eaten or fed her kids in the past week?
Bottom-line: Business is a battleground and those who don't prepare well in the field will bleed to death in the battle to attract human attention, pick their interest, spark their desire and ultimately have them open their purse!

2 Disturbing Problems I Noticed Amongst Business Owners Online
1. Very often, I see many people on different Facebook groups keep saying they want to learn how to run ads or asking for people who could run paid ads for them.
These hardworking people have the misguided idea that Ads is the missing ingredient in their recipe for massive sales online.
Some of them even come to my inbox, and then I drop the bombshell revelation on them that ads alone are not enough to make sales, they are always left shocked or

What many (small) business owners don't know is that ads is (an example of Traffic Generation) is just one out of the 7 important sales producing elements online!
You still need to have a "Funnel", an Ideal Customer Profile/Avatar" and 4 other important ingredients in place for your sales process to work at all or work well ONLINE- same way a weapon that will fire must have all parts complete, to fire properly!
2. Too many business owners who want desire massive sales online do not understand that there are some MENTAL STEPS that they must take a potential buyer through before they make a final decision in your favour. We call this the "customer's journey"!
This "Customer Journey" concept is usually strange and hard to initially accept by newbie online sellers. That's because many of us grew up watching offline sales - where all that most vendors do is scream "come and buy" and they get results. "It can't be that serious!" is what we often tell ourselves.
Personally, I would very much like a situation where I just post pictures my products and I get tons of strangers chasing after me to buy. I wish it were that simple really! In the online space however, things aren't that straightforward, when it comes to earning the trust needed for sales to happen - you can't jump the steps!
This mental journey could take an hour, a day, a few days or a few weeks, or even months depending on the price of what you are selling - the higher the price of your product, the higher the level of "perceived financial risk" involved and the longer it will take for the buyer to decide if you are worth the risk.
Here's what the customer's journey looks like in quick summary:

When your marketing efforts or processes skip these psychological steps, you end up creating a sales process that doesn't match what's going on in your audience's head.
If your communication can't connect with a person where they are, mentally, you can't arouse their interest to buy anything from you. You would have simply burnt your precious marketing budget - like this ππ:

There are 3 Phases (B-E-S) that your online sales system must take a potential customer through before they are READY to BUY from you
I decided that to help hardworking people stop doing "Assumption Marketing, "Hope Marketing" or "I'm Hungry, Buy From Me" Marketing, I had to create a training that would help them fill their knowledge gaps, so they can move faster towards profits online! Here's the result of that effortπππ
Some of What You'll Learn in This 5 Video Module Workshop:
Marketing & Sales- The Definitive Difference Between Both
Many people think they are the same but they so aren't! You don't want to be selling when you should be marketing!
The B.E S. phases of ALL marketing campaigns- jump a step, and watch your sales die!
Each of these phase must be well attended to if a "Yes!" is what you want from a potential customer at the end of the day.
You'll know what you should be doing in each marketing phase in the Workshop that you will now lay your hands on.
To ignore the B-E-S Marketing Phases is to set your marketing dollars on fire!!
The Great Mistake Novice Solution Creators Make:
It's very very easy to make this mistake, trust me. One of my mentees made this mistake with $2,880 (1.3m Naira)!!
What's a Ready Audience?
When we say an audience is ready, what exactly do we mean by "Ready"
The 5 Stages of Customer Awareness- if you don't know this and tailor your message to fit each level of awareness, it will be like speaking Mandarin to an Indian - your audience won't respond , because they can't relate with your message!
For a potential customer to finally buy from you, all 5 stages must have been completed in that customer's mind.
Your sales system has the responsibility to take the customer from the awareness level that they are and bring them to the highest level where they are ready to buy!
The 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems- Miss one out, lose money!
Niche/Market Research, Ideal Customer Profiling, Effective Communication and what other 4 Pillars must you have in place? I explain the most essential details about you understand their real world relevance!
It doesn't matter whether your sales system are manual or automated, whether it is offline or online, whether it is social media based, WhatsApp based or web based, all effective sales systems must have these 7 Pillars if you want to sell like crazy!!
It doesn't matter what you sell- digital products, physical products, long life and prosperity, these Pillars are all the same everywhere- it's the details of their specific application that may differ.
It doesn't matter whether you are in E-commerce, Affiliate Marketing, Freelancing, Coaching, Service provision- so long as it is sales, these 7 Pillars are there!
The 4 Most Critical Pillars- upon which others rest!
All the pillars do not carry the same weight, the absence of some pillars will do more damage to your sales and marketing efforts than others- you need to know which 4 pillars are the most important to have in place....
Personalised Q & A Support- customized suggestions for unique problems:
Here I give customized suggestions on what further learning you need to pursue specifically for your type of business or offerings.
I do this via a support group.
In 5 Video Modules totaling 5 hours in all, you'll know all the above and a lot more that I can't show here (for lack of space and time).
VALUE: $197.00
Here's are some cool video clips from the workshop too
The "7 Pillars.." Workshop Is Perfect For You IF:
You are completely new to the world of online selling, and you want to avoid the painful wilderness journey of wasting money, time and energy buying courses upon courses trying to piece everything together, before you finally realize you have bought many things you don't need.
You know somethings about online selling or marketing, but you know you don't have a solid grasp, and you understand that it's unwise to keep figuring things out on your own.
You are already good at a specific area of online marketing (e.g. social media management, content creation) but feel like there are some missing pieces in your understanding of all the areas that makes online selling or marketing work....
You are an online marketing geek or need like myself, and you just love to see things from other people's unique perspectives.
If you belong to any of these 4 categories, I congratulate you for taking the pains to read this far, let's go on to more juicy stuff, shall we?
4 Powerful Benefits You Gain By Learning and Understanding These 7 Pillars and the B-E-S Marketing Phases:


Irene Pepple (Senior Finance/Business Attorney)

Chuks Marker Udeogu (Content Marketing Professional)

James Ndaeyo (Affiliate Marketing Whiz)

Hassanat Adeoye (Super Affiliate Marketer) simplified and structured your life will become when you can see the beginning and end of online selling/online marketing right in one single training.
If you ever received "Scheme of Work", "Syllabus" or a "course guide" during your high school or university days, you will better understand the feeling- you suddenly have this increased level of certainty about everything you are doing!
You know β where to start from, β you know where you'd finish, β you know how much work is involved to achieve that grade or result- no more surprises!π

I realized this would be a MEGA powerful addition because audio allows you the sweet luxury of learning while doing other things.
One of the reasons people procrastinate buying a training they need is because they are discouraged by all those they have bought and not watched (sad face).
Audio is a much less invasive way to learn and you get to easily play the material over and over again (and there is no headache of a CD getting scratched from overuse- MP3 baby!
VALUE: $97.00
Initially, I didn't realize how valuable this was until participants of the Workshop started asking for it...
Then I remembered my days in medical school where we beg lecturers to give us their slides .
You get all 62 pages of goodness I used for the workshop- it even feels like it's a book!
VALUE: $67.00
One of the things most people do not consider when paying for courses is the easier access that such courses give them to high value people.
In a formal setting, ordinarily, you'd pay a premium to access these people, but when you are active in communities that they are equally passionate about, you stand a chance to receive special preference or priority access to such people. That's why rich people join exclusive clubs - Access! π
In the 7 pillars Circle for example, I've got: β a senior finance/ business lawyer that services top firms in Nigeria, β A fashion mogul whose fashion brand (House Of Roshe) dominating the Nigerian indigenous fashion space , β an International coach/ High Ticket Messaging Strategist who charges a minimum of $5,000 for her coaching, β CEO of a Multimillion Naira salon in the high brow section of Lagos, Nigeria (Lekki), β A brand marketing executive working with one of the biggest Youth Development NGO's in Nigeria, β A Facebook Content Writing and profile Optimization Expert whose trainings attracted 1269 professional and business owners.
Should I go on? Okay that's enough bragging! ππ
Another benefit of being in valuable communities is the opportunity for partnership and collaborations - some of my members are already working on this without me even pushing for it. When such succeeds, I'll be a proud feature in their success story as the one who brought them together!! ππ
VALUE: $1997.00/ Year
Total Value: $197 + $97 + $67 + $1997 = $2358
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Click The Button below to make payment and let's get this party started!
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