Dear Smart Fellow Nigerian,
You are on this page for one or all of these reasons:
- There is an really important video course you bought and you want to have easy access to it anywhere you go BUT YOUR TACTIC FOR DOWNLOADING SUCH VIDEOS HAS STOPPED WORKING or IS NOT EASY TO USE!
- You registered for a webinar online and you know you won't be able to attend LIVE, OR you want to be able to watch the Webinar over and over again even after the replays are over WITHOUT NEEDING INTERNET CONNECTION!
- There is an important Facebook video that you want to be able to watch again and again offline.
- Your method for downloading YouTube videos is stressful or plain annoying and you want something easier!
This is not a 1000 dollar product, so I don't plan to explain too much. Let me just demonstrate one of my downloading sessions to you with a non YouTube hosted video To You. Imagine how many thousands of Naira I've saved myself with these skills, in over 9 years of downloading online....
"Did You See How Easy That Looked?"
That's just one of the 3 different ways I could have gotten that video!!
If one didn't work, I just pull out the next trick, and if that didn't work, I pull up another one! "Dia fada!"
In this short video course, you will learn:
The 3 major "Dia fada!" tactics I use to EASILY download videos hosted on difficult secured video hosting sites like wistia.com. One of them is the Streaming Video Grabber tactic using an external downloader. This would work for downloading webinar replays, and online video courses that you have paid for. The owner of the video of course won't tell you where he or she hosted the video...and with what you will soon learn, it won't matter anymore! "Dia fada!"
The 1 last resort "Dia fada!" tactic I use to get a video file whose stream has been broken into pieces that you can't download as a single video file. Wickedness in high plazes!!!
3 "Dia fada!" tactics to download Facebook Live videos or Facebook Videos! Zuckerberg made it hard, but boys cracked it!
2 "Dia fada!" tactics to download an entire YouTube playlist AT ONCE on mobile and desktop so you can avoid the pain of downloading one by one. Playlists are usually created to bundle related videos together.
The easiest "Dia fada!" tactic to download YouTube videos on your PC, without needing YouTube downloader browser extensions that could contain viruses or spywares.
VALUE = ₦ 2995
- FREE LIFETIME access to the PAID YouTube playlist software I use! VALUE= ₦ 1895
- SCARCE INFORMATION!!: How to download files from torrent sites (HD movies, softwares) faster than using Utorrent my "Dia fada!" way, even when the amount of seeders are low! Utorrent downloader is very limited on this one! I issue a very important warning on usage here though! VALUE = ₦ 995
- Free Lifetime Support from me if you come across a new unique situation not covered yet in my video, that you can't seem to crack!! Just send me an email and we'll figure a way out, within one week. VALUE = ₦ Priceless
Now! I'm hearing "Dapo, what if I don't like the product, will you refund my money?"
Now, this whole refund policy thing does attract a lot of the wrong crowd, however, if you used this information, and you can prove that you didn't get the desired results, then I'll happily refund your money 100%! You have 7 days after the product is launched and delivered your mailbox to request a refund.
"Errmm, wait o Dapo, but I can learn these things online on my own now! Can't I?"
The Economist in you is working overtime! I understand!
Let's quickly do a simple test:
Open a new tab in your browser right now and search for "How to download wistia videos". Wistia.com is the number one professional video hosting site in the world, and its considered more secure than YouTube.
Check out the top 4 video results, then check out the several blog post results that followed. Done? Great! What did you notice?
Did you notice all them were talking about finding, copying, editing and pasting some codes several times, and then using some converter software before you get to the video? You get that kain strength?
Again, here's a quick recap of what you are getting:
The 3 major "Dia fada!" tactics I use to EASILY download videos hosted on difficult secured video hosting sites like wistia.com. One of them is the Streaming Video Grabber tactic using an external downloader. This would work for downloading webinar replays, and online video courses that you have paid for.
The 1 last resort "Dia fada!" tactic I use to get a video file whose stream has been broken into pieces that you can't download as a single video file.
3 "Dia fada!" tactics to download Facebook Live videos or Facebook Videos!
2 "Dia fada!" tactics to download an entire YouTube playlist AT ONCE on mobile and desktop so you can avoid the pain of downloading one by one.
The easiest "Dia fada!" tactic to download YouTube videos on your PC, without needing YouTube downloader browser extensions that could contain viruses or spywares.
VALUE = ₦ 2995
- FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to the PAID YouTube playlist software I use! VALUE= ₦ 1895
- SCARCE INFORMATION!!: How to download files from torrent sites (HD movies, softwares) faster than using Utorrent my "Dia fada!" way, even when the amount of seeders are low! Utorrent downloader is very limited on this one! I issue a very important warning on usage here though! VALUE = ₦ 995
- FREE LIFETIME SUPPORT from me if you come across a new unique situation not covered yet in my video, that you can't seem to crack!! Just send me an email and we'll figure a way out, within one week. VALUE = ₦ Priceless
But how much do you pay instead?
JUST ₦1495!
Click the red button below to secure your spot, before I launch!! Once launch date arrives price goes up by 30%