The Naira Is in Serious Trouble!!
Here's A Highly Profitable, Little Known Route That Regular Nigerians Are Now Using To
Earn BIG In Dollars!!
Time To Stop Living "The Nigerian Nightmare"

Broda Dapo (April 4th, 2022)
Hello My Hardworking Friend....
What you are about to learn actually doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a colleague of me whom I have MASSIVE RESPECT for!!
It took me a bit of time to convince her to present this opportunity with a much larger audience - she makes a lot of money already, so she doesn't really need money from training (except of course for the fact that her time is uber precious and it must be well paid for, if she has to make such sacrifices to coach others).
In the brief video below, you get to understand what this is and how it works in just 8 minutes. I recommend you watch the video in full screen mode for full impact.
Please note that although this video was recorded in June, but the information is relevant irrespective of which monthly session you signed up for.
Time For Some Testimonials?
Ada's New Home

Testimonials From Ada's Students
Please Read Through as many as you can


Currently sold at 15,000, and already sold to over 500 people, you will be given this as my bonus, once you pay. if you want to see what makes this such a valuable gift, click here
In a world where 90% of internet money opportunities are scams or overhyped, it's important to make the following statements:
1. Getting to work with foreign clients is not a get rich quick scheme. There is always the "paying your dues" phase. If you are undue financial pressure, you'll fail. So make sure that you currently have a means of self sustenance while you move through this.
2. Initial struggles are bound to happen. No one starts out being good at anything they haven't done before. Give yourself time - don't be under unnecessary pressure to "hammer".
3. This training fee for this program is non refundable. All transactions are final. Refunds will not be done on any grounds including if you changed your mind or you suddenly remember you want to eat ice cream.
4. Obviously, You'll need to have a laptop of your own, good internet connection, familiarity with navigating through a website, and a serene space to work in.
5. This training happens in MONTHLY BATCHES, so if you are paying now, you will be joining the JULY 9TH batch.
6. IMPORTANT: Ada will not be taking a lot of students this month, because she has other projects to work on and she likes giving her best, thus the reduced number. PAY IN TIME, don't let third world demon convince you to exhibit Nigerian behaviour.

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