
Traditional Education Prepares Brilliant Professionals For Business Failure Because It Doesn't Teach Them How To Sell!

Master The 7 Fundamental Pillars of Highly Profitable Digital Selling For The Same Price As A Netflix Standard Subscription

So You Can Create Effective Digital Sales Strategies, Make More Money and Eliminate Wasted Efforts Caused By Trial and Error Marketing Tactics!!

The 2 SECRET Reasons Most Small Business Struggle With Sales

Before I reveal them, I have a quick question for you:

Do you want me to tell you things that will make you feel good (like many gurus do), while i collect your money or do you want me to tell you the truth you need to hear, even if it doesn't excite you?

If you prefer truth, here it comes:

There are 5 major reasons why most small businesses struggle.  but to keep this brief, I will reveal just 2:

The first reason small business struggle is that almost all small business owners start their business with the WRONG TYPE OF EDUCATION!

The education we all receive from higher institutions or vocational schools is technical education.

This type of education only makes you a technical expert, but does not give you the knowledge and skills that build a business e.g. Sales and Marketing skills.

As a result, many small business owners are running businesses with trial and error tactics and intelligent assumptions.

Sometimes they get lucky, many times these unproven, untested tactics fail to work in the fierce battlefield of commerce!!

It is therefore you duty as a business owner who wants to succeed to DELIBERATELY SEEK OUT the knowledge and skills that builds the business i.e. sales and marketing, business finance management, business organisation, etc.

You are on this page, reading this for that purpose.

The Second SECRET Reason Small Businesses Struggle

Many of the sales and marketing courses out there give an incomplete picture of how sales happens.

Many of these courses tend to focus on just one or 2 aspect of selling/ marketing - content creation, traffic generation, messaging, etc.

They teach a limited portion of what makes up a selling system and make it seem like the only missing ingredient needed to sell out. A good example of this phenomenon are Facebook Ads courses and coaches

Saying that Ads is the missing ingredient to wild sales is like saying a sparkplug is the only thing that makes a car move!! Ah!!

This creates a situation where small business owners keep buying courses upon courses but aren't quite able to put together a coherent understanding of all the elements that result in sales.

These 2 major problems are what the 7 Pillars of Effective Sales System Video Course (the main course in my farewell bundle) are designed to tackle so that you can:

✅move with great clarity and

✅speed towards increasing your sales in your small business online.

See What Happens When You Take Your Education Into Your Own Hands Like This Gentleman Did!!

Even An OG in the Online Marketing Industry Said This Was Worth The Money!!

What the 7 Pillars Course is and what it will do for you:

The 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems course is a Digital Marketing Foundations training suite that is designed to teach you the 7 core pillars  that makes sales happen online.

It teaches the foundational principles and concepts of selling and marketing in the digital economy.

Without these foundations, you will be stuck in a near endless cycle of learning without reaching a complete, well integrated understanding of how a digital sales and marketing machinery works.

The 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems is your 100 level marketing course without all the meaningless hyper complicated concepts and terminologies of a typical university marketing program.

What the 7 Pillars course Isn't and Won't Do!

Many business owners love sweet lies. I'm hoping you aren't one of them.

This course is NOT designed to teach you advanced marketing skills like copywriting, Facebook ads and all the common marketing skills out there.

It is designed to help you see how all the different marketing components/skills work together to help you achieve sales online.

When you are done building the foundations, you can then take a specialized marketing program on each of the 3 core marketing skills every business owner should have (I reveal those in the 7 Pillars course).

If you however do not build the foundation, it doesn't matter how good your advanced marketing course is, you will not get the results you were promised!!

Don't be in a hurry!! Save yourself the pain of wasted energy and resources by building your knowledge CORRECTLY!!


Ignore this loving warning to your own detriment!

Below is everything you get for just N5,500 when you adopt the 7 Pillars training:

"The 7 Pillars Of Effective Sales Systems" Video Course/ Audiobook/ Ebook Master Suite [Normal Price: N31,450]

What You'll Learn (Click To See Details)

▶️Marketing & Sales- The Definitive Difference Between Both

Many people think they are the same but they so aren't! You don't want to be selling when you should be marketing!

 ▶️The B.E S. phases of ALL marketing campaigns [Expanded Details]- jump a step, and watch your sales die!

Each of these phase must be well attended to if a "Yes!" is what you want from a potential customer at the end of the day.

You'll know what you should be doing in each marketing phase in the Workshop that you will now lay your hands on.

To ignore the B-E-S Marketing Phases is to set your marketing dollars on fire!!

 ▶️The Great Mistake Novice Solution Creators Make When Launching a Product:

It's very very easy to make this mistake, because it appears to be the logical step when you want to sell a new product.

One of my mentees made this mistake and it cost her $2,880 (convert your local currency)!!

 ▶️The Customer Awareness Spectrum- if you don't know this and tailor your message to fit each level of awareness, it will be like speaking Mandarin to an Indian - your audience won't respond , because they can't relate with your message!

For a potential customer to finally buy from you, all 5 stages must have been completed in that customer's mind.

Your sales system has the responsibility to take the customer from the awareness level that they are and bring them to the highest level where they are ready to buy!

 ▶️The 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems- Miss one out, lose money!

Niche/Market Research, Ideal Customer Profiling, Effective Communication and what other 4 Pillars must you have in place? 

I explain the most essential details about them....so you understand their real world relevance!

It doesn't matter whether your sales system are manual or automated, whether it is offline or online, whether it is social media based, WhatsApp based or web based, all effective sales systems must have these 7 Pillars if you want to sell like crazy!!

It doesn't matter what you sell- digital products, physical products, long life and prosperity, these Pillars are all the same everywhere- it's the details of their specific application that may differ.

It doesn't matter whether you are in E-commerce, Affiliate Marketing, Freelancing, Coaching, Service provision- so long as it is sales, these 7 Pillars are there!

 ▶️The 4 Core Marketing/ Sales Skills Every Business Owner Must Develop!

All the pillars do not carry the same weightthe absence of some pillars will do more damage to your sales and marketing efforts than others- you need to know which 4 pillars are the most important to have in place....

 ▶️How To Construct An Enticing Offer Around Your Product Or Service, So That People Find It Hard To Say No To You!

Most people out there are selling commodities, but not you. You'll stop doing that once you understand the genius invention called Irresistible offers, and you'll start using them, to create more sales for yourself

 ▶️Personalised Q & A Support- customized suggestions for unique problems:

Here I give customized suggestions on what further learning you need to pursue specifically for your type of business or offerings.

I do this via a support group.

In 5 Video Modules totaling 5 hours in all, you'll know all the above and a lot more that I can't show here (for lack of space and time).


A Very Senior Lawyer From Port Harcourt Had This To Say!

Hassanat Is No Longer Confused About How Profitable Online Marketing/Selling Works!

BONUS 1: "On Dealing With Customers" Audiobook/ EBook Bundle [Normal Price: N10,500]

BONUS 2: "Succeed With WhatsApp" Video Course [Normal Price: N15,800]


BONUS 3: The "5 Real Reasons" Article Series [Normal Price: 3,500]

BONUS 4: "WhatsApp Remix 2024" Live Session Replay  [Normal Price: N12,600]

Ready To Claim Yours? Come Get 'Em

But Why?! Why Am I Giving 5 Online Marketing And Sales Trainings That People Once Paid Thousands For, For Peanuts?

You are rich!  You like to spend BIG on knowledge, I know, but there's just ONE  reason actually:


I have moved on to other areas of expression in life. 

I'm now a full time video ads creator for coaches and specialised e-commerce businesses and actively involved in providing profitable real estate opportunities in Epe Lagos and Ogun state.

I can no longer actively teaching the subject matters of these courses anymore no matter how much I want to.

That means I can't actively update the information anymore. YET!! Many small businesses still don't know 10% of the information contained in there

So instead of allowing them to collect dust on my digital shelf, I decided to make them accessible to everyone that has at least N5,500 to spare.

I will use the money realised from this offer to run ads so that more people can benefit from the offer. 

I don't need to "press your neck" with a scarcity timer. I'll just change the price, so get them NOW (if they appeal to you) 

Beht Broda Dapo! What if i don't get value for my Money?

Chaii!! You too dey fear. Ahn ahnnn!!

It's not that deep actually. If you don't get value for the money you paid, you get your money back. No questions asked!

I know some criminal minds will take negative advantage of this guarantee, but that one is between them and their maker - no be me chop poison.

Errmm. Bros D, no vex o. Why Not Free Na?

I thought you'd never ask (MTN Advert, remember?)

How much does Amadioha sell thunder currently? How about condemned tyre and petrol? Help me find out.

Okay, that's a little too dramatic so here's my response.

How many really successful people do you see asking for other people's knowledge for free online?

None, right? Exactly, because only thieves ask to reap where they have not sown!

Hope I answered your question, good!

Now pull out your N5,500 and click the button below to get your bundle.

Ready To Claim Yours? Come Get 'Em