"A tempting offer is incredibly more profitable than a convincing explanation."
- Broda Dapo

Hello My Friend!
You see those words above, burn them into the tablets of your mind.
You are on this page because you are interested in learning how to make offers so attractive that your customers are unable to sleep at night until they buy what you are selling!
Is this kind of super power possible to possess?
Yes, but it doesn't jump on people! You have to learn how to create such offers around what you sell.
Learning how to create compelling offers was what gave me my first N900,000+ in a month sale in March 2023.

Same offer type sold N1,146,000 worth of products between July - August 2023.

"Your offer is the chief cornerstone of your entire marketing campaign. An amazing marketing campaign with an ordinary offer is like makeup on a pig!!"

Even if you get everything else in your online selling system right - scroll stopping ads, attention grabbing sales page content (like the one you are currently reading), gorgeous website design, advanced follow-up automations, etc. the ultimate and final determiner of how much sales you make is the magnetic power of what you are offering to your customers.
"An extraordinary offer can compensate for the weakneses of average level marketing but an ordinary offer will never sell well even with extraordinary marketing."
The job of everything else in your online sales system or process is to grab and lead the right people to your offer. The job of your offer is to convert those visitors from merely interested wannabes to "shut up and take my money" customers.
So how do you learn how to build offers that make your competitors wet their pants in sheer disbelief wondering if you intend to send them out of business?
Learn from the 35,000,000,000 Naira digital sales man!!

His legend preceeds him!! We call him Ronald Nzimora.
He's one of the founding fathers of internet marketing in Nigeria.
Ronald has sold over N35,000,000,000 worth of products and services online - coffee, weight loss teas, sports betting, online courses, newsletter subscriptions, hairs, perfumes, spa business, etc, even chicken!
Yeah! 35 Billion Naira {in case your maths got frozen by the number of zeros)
unlike many other marketers who obsess over the mechanical parts of online marketing, Ronald's success is largely due to two things:
1. his deep understanding of the psychology of human desire and most importantly
2. His ability to engineer mouth watering, stomach churning offers around what he sells to his customers.
Offers that make customers go wild with excitement and that bring absolute regrets to customers who didn't take advantage of it.
Offers that have only one possible response from a customer - YES!!
He calls these type of offers MAFIA OFFERS

Ready to start creating your own Mafia Offers?
If you said "Yes", you have chosen well.
It's time for you to purchase Ronald's brain by investing your money in his 45 page book.
You are a few clicks away from possessing highly coveted top secret strategies for engineering highly magnetic offers that destroy buyer's resistance and burst open the floodgates of sales!!
I have placed a button link at the bottom of this page that will lead you to Ronald's offer page.
There you'll see all the details about what the book offers you and the extra goodies he has attached.
In addition to that however....
I am offering you 2 bonuses for deciding to invest in Ronald's book.......
The 5 Ingredients of Mind Blowing Online Sales (Value: $95)

In August 2022, I presented the content of this booklet at a speaking engagement held by one of the most influential instagram entrepreneurs out of Nigeria- Naijabrandchick.
In attendance were 200 of some of the most distinguished small business owners in Nigeria. People who paid between $500 - $1000 to be in the DSI (Dominate Sales and Influence) program.
I was only able to cover 2 out of 5 the points (due to time constraint) yet the audience went wild with a standing ovation.
In addition to making Mafia offers which Ronald's book offers, this booklet will help you identify the 4 other crucial elements of the online sales process that you must have secured in order for you to be able to fully maximise the deep strategies in his book.
All you have to do to claim your bonus is to send me payment proof of your purchase of Ronald's book at thenobsway@gmail.com.
The No BS Nation - Community like no other (Value: $1995)

Entrepreneurship is a lonely and thankless venture at the beginning.
No body gives 2 fuggs about you until your results start pouring, then everyone wants to become a friend, because well......you are now attractive.
You need a community of friends you can "lean on" as you go through your entrepreneurial journey.
The No BS Nation is your safe space. I'm not charging money for it yet, I might in the future.
You get FREE access with your purchase of Mafia Offers.
Remember....Everything worthwhile in life has a deadline!
Let me be a bit selfish here!
The only reason you are learning about Ronald's life changing book today is because I am spending my money on ads to bring this information to you.
I'm a businessman, not a charity and my goal is to make profits (by helping others get what they desire in life).
The more money i have to spend to remind you to take action, the more money i lose on ads.
The only way to balance that up is to give you a reason to buy NOW rather than later.
My bonuses are only available to you if you make your purchase within 72 hours off seeing my advert.
Anything longer than that gets you zero bonuses, and you'll buy them separately later!
Ready to start making your own Mafia offers
Gotten your copy?
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