Wanna Connect With Broda Dapo?

Awww! That's So Cute....
You are on this page because you have experienced my awesomeness somewhere (whether online or in person), and you want more!
I welcome your desire to connect with and learn more from me, but before you proceed, I have a quick question for you.......
Which Category of My Followers Do You Belong?

Group 1- The Eternal Collectors:
These only exist to collect from you until your face turns red.
They have zero intention to take action and frankly they really don't have a serious mission with you! They make up the bulk of social media followers
They are found anywhere there is "free food" (free knowledge)
If this is you, then close this page and remain as just my social media follower.
Group 2- The Symbionts:
These ones have deep respect for their mission (and themselves)and so are willing to spend money in order to accomplish it.
They understand the Law of Reciprocity - Give and Receive.
They do not try to use or emotionally blackmail others.
if this is whom you are, then you are the only one I want to have anything to do with.
I want a community of people who have respect for knowledge and access.
If that's you, then you'll need to get your Access pass in order to do that.

What Your Access Pass gets You
Lifetime Access to my highly valuable WhatsApp Status content/updates.
I post a lot more on my WhatsApp Status than do on facebook or anywhere else.
This is where you first hand information on Whatever it is I'm doing or sharing before those on facebook or Twitter even know.
For those who prefer learning from WhatsApp Status, this serves that purpose.
Opportunity to get occasional answers to questions that do not require too much time to answer.
(This is not to be confused with me offering you a full fledged consultation session).
You get to enjoy priority discount offers (on my own products before it's extended to my social platforms).
You also have access to exclusive content that you may otherwise miss if the social media platform don't show it to you.
Sounds good? how much Will this cost You?
Since this is just a "filter" strategy and not really a profit making venture, and i want to make it super easy for you, you pay just $2.
$2 is obviously a ridiculous fee. but...you get the idea behind this.
Click the button below to claim your Access Pass of just $2, BEFORE THE TIMER HITS ZERO and I'll see you on WhatsApp DM.
PS: You know you can copy this strategy too right, (but of course, you have to be sure you are worth the money (winks!)
(1) This button opens the payment page in a separate tab (for your convenience sakes).
(2) If you are Nigerian, I HIGHLY recommend you use the "TRANSFER" payment option, when you get to the payment page (it works exactly like your normal bank to bank transfers).
(3) please do not close the payment page until it confirms successful payment and redirects you.
(4) If you have any issues after following the guidelines above, please write to the email displayed below.
Having Issues With Payment?
Send a mail to thenobsway@gmail.com
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