After $2000 In Sales On WhatsApp Alone, Here Are The
7 Reasons I Prefer Selling On WhatsApp Instead Of Social Media, or Email!
So You Too Can Save Your Time, Energy and Money!!

Broda Dapo (September 10th, 2021)
Read Time (9 Minutes)
First Things First!!
➡️ I have sold over $2000 worth of products via WhatsApp alone. So I felt like I should share with you - my fellow business owner, the 7 reasons you should consider selling on WhatsApp, like I do!
Before I continue, here are some important things you and I must first agree on:
➡️ This article is only meant for 100% serious, dedicated, passionate small business owners who are absolutely in love with what they do, who are not afraid of thinking and who are willing to sacrifice ALMOST ANYTHING to see their business grow!
If "tatafo" (gossip) is what you seek, or you are the impatient "2 minutes miracle" type just scroll away from here, quickly!
➡️ As a business owner who wants to grow a small business, I believe you agree that your energy and time are 2 of the most precious assets that you have and that means anything that leads to wastage MUST BE PROMPTLY ELIMINATED, no be so?
That means you should be interested in ANYTHING that will give you better returns with less time and energy investment, abi?
➡️ As a business owner, we also agree that statistics/numbers are our best friends and if we don't pay attention to them, we cannot know when we are being effective or when we are being hopelessly wasteful!
➡️ You'll be done with this article in just 10 minutes or less, so carry juice, carry popcorn, then.... LET'S ROLLLLLLLLLLL!!
Here are my 7 reasons for using WhatsApp to sell instead of Social media or email:
Reason No. 1
If I send a broadcast message to all my WhatsApp Business contacts, 95% of everyone will see my message and open it.
Unlike most people do, my broadcast messages are written and sent in such a way that my audience NEVER gets annoyed, and they even say "thank you o!".
Since more people open my message, it means I get more opportunities to make more sales, because most of my people (customers and leads) are seeing me.
On social media, and Email, only roughly 20% of my audience will see my content - 20%!!!!!
If only 20% of your audience see your content, then what percentage of that 20% will be interested enough and have money to buy! Do the maths yourself!🥺🙆🙆
This means you need a LARGE AUDIENCE, such that 20% of that audience will be enough to help you hit your financial target!
Unlike Email, there is less competition for the WhatsApp inbox and that creates a lot of opportunities for intelligent and knowledgeable business owners who jump on early!
Reason No. 2
I can easily and freely use links in my business posts without being "shadow banned" on WhatsApp, unlike on social media! THIS IS A BIG PLUS FOR USING WHATSAPP!
Shadow banning is when your post is "hidden" from most of your audience because the social platform is punishing you for taking people away from their social app through your use of links.
Social media owners don't like it when you post external links that take people away from their platform, because it hurts their business model.
This is why they deliberately reduce the organic reach of that post, so that most people in your audience don't see it! Don't blame them, If na you too, you go do the same as a BUSINESSMAN!
Unfortunately for you, the small business owner, how do you sell when most of your people aren't seeing what you are posting? 🥺🥺🙆
On my WhatsApp status, a lot of my audience/ customers will see my content EVEN IF I use links, unlike on Facebook or Twitter.
Reason No. 3
I don't need to "push" my WhatsApp posts with comments/engagement unlike I have to do on my social media timeline, in order for more people to see it.
If I post on my WhatsApp status, a good amount of my audience will see it without any "push".
If I send a short broadcast message (which I do just once in a week), nearly all of my entire audience will see it..
I don't need to be spend so much of my energy commenting and replying in order to reach more of my people 🤢🤮.
WhatsApp, just like Email, doesn't rely on engagement to reach your audience.
Reason No. 4
As a business owner, your greatest asset is your customer list. Companies pay billions of dollars to buy other companies just to have access to their ready made audience a.k.a. LIST, instead of having to build a new one from the ground up!
If you only built your entire business on social media and your account gets shut down, your entire business is DEAD!
If my WhatsApp account get shut down for any reason (which is highly unlikely to happen), I'll just simply export all my 1595 business contacts (all my contacts are saved with category labels), extract all the phone numbers and send a bulk SMS to all my business contacts to please save my new number! 🤣🤣🙆
Be like say Zuckerberg dey ment!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Reason No. 5
Facebook and Instagram story don't allow links to be clickable, WhatsApp Status allows clickable links.
By putting my links in my WhatsApp status, I can avoid the painful stress of having to send the link to everyone who keeps asking me for a link!
Links in my WhatsApp status allow me to easily direct my audience to my product store or sales page, easily and without fear of being shadow- banned.
Reason No. 6
WhatsApp marketing is easier for small business owners to learn and implement than something like email marketing for example.
Although I have an email list, and a social media presence, and I recommend that every business gets one, (afterall, only social media allows you go viral.)
I will however still choose WhatsApp marketing above any of these other two channels, AS A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER, with limited time and resources.
Reason No. 7
For email, your message can end in the "promotions" or "SPAM" folder where most of your customers won't see them, not to talk of opening them - effort wasted.
This doesn't happen with a WhatsApp message - it ALWAYS lands inbox!
On social media, if you use links in your post, most of your audience won't see it.
This doesn't happen with WhatsApp too!
So tell me with your economist mind, which of these 3 platforms makes economic sense for someone who is just growing their business to use as a primary platform? 🤷🤷
WhatsApp didn't look like it had much to offer until the WhatsApp Business version was launched in January 2018.
Since then, WhatsApp has gradually become a force to reckon with for those of us who know how to use it INTELLIGENTLY!
There's a lot of untapped potential with that WhatsApp Business app that smart small business owners can tap into, because most businesses aren't really using it yet.
If your customer base is not so large yet - less than 1000 customers, I would advise you consider focusing more of your limited energy and time on using WhatsApp for your business, even if you have a social media presence.
It's easier to use and will give you better returns on your energy and time investment, unlike social media, based on the 7 points I have shared above.
If you need proof of this truth, see how my own online marketing coach made 50,000 naira ($100) in 1 day from a WhatsApp list of just 341 people with what I taught him. Luckily he already had a great offer, he just needed a messaging structure that fits WhatsApp.

HERE ARE SOME OF MY OWN RESULTS USING WHATSAPP TO PROMOTE TO MY AUDIENCE (Convert the Naira (N) to your Local Currency using Google)

NOTE: The money are displayed in local currencies because I was promoting majorly to Nigerians at that time.
THE PROBLEM with many people fail to make sales with WhatsApp is that they don't know how to use it properly!
Their knowledge of WhatsApp marketing is wack!!!!
That's why I want to start sharing some of the really cool stuff I know with anyone who cares to listen.
I have packaged some of my precious knowledge into an online course called "SUCCEED WITH WHATSAPP - The Beginner's Ultimate Guide To Crush WhatsApp Marketing!"

It's part of a WhatsApp Marketing Videos Bundle that has now been heavily revamped - 5 newer spitfire videos have been added.
I want to share it with you for a very affordable fee.
If you would like to see more details about it, click the button BELOW the image under this post...
So far, i have successfully sold this course to 449 people last time i checked

Like all good things in life, the current discounted price will not last forever, so if you procrastinate your purchase, the blame for missing out is totally on you!
Now go ahead and send in a message to see more details about the course
See you on WhatsApp soon...
Broda Dapo (The No BS Nation)
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