Rejoice Exceedingly!! Because......
Your Ticket To PROFITABLE WhatsApp TV Ads Is Finally Here!!!

Broda Dapo (February, 2022)
Hi Dear friend.
I'll make this conversation short, sharp and sweet. You'll be done reading this in 6 minutes. if you procrastinate, then this page will disappear in 2 hours time.
Here's a quick question for you.
Can You Tell Me Why This Gorgeous Flyer Will Struggle To Sell?

There are at least 3 reasons this flyer WILL NOT produce A LOT OF SALES (Keyword: A LOT OF SALES):
1. This flyer is the only promotional material that tries to explain the offer, and it does a very incomplete job at that. I'll explain in detail in my full training you are coming for.
2. There is a bank account detail on it which means the advertiser (my friend) is expecting everyone who is interested to pay immediately. That's like expecting a fine babe you just met at the bar to say "yes, I'll marry you" to you. Sounds crazy, right?
3. There is a price on the flyer.
The last point won't be much of an issue if this was a Facebook or Instagram Ads situation, but WhatsApp TV adverts are a different beast altogether. If you don't play by the rules, your either get no sale or you get low sales.
Good question!!
I'm the creator of the highly respected 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems which has trained 71 professionals from different fields in the fundamentals of successful online selling. I'm also the creator of the Succeed With WhatsApp course which has trained 495 persons on how to turn their WhatsApp into a profit generating machine.
Here are some of my financial results from selling my own products and other people's products using WhatsApp what others have said about me on Facebook and some of the big names i have shared stages with or worked with.
I have included everything in one slideshow to save your precious time. Just scroll left to feed your eyes as much as it can take.
Secondly, I get Paid to Review WhatsApp TV Ads or To Post Ads on My WhatsApp Status Too
I often get requests to post ads on my WhatsApp status, many of which I often reject (because I'm one of the few guys who cares about you (in addition to your money!)
Here are some ad flyers I have bent sent to critique and post on my status👇👇.
Now That You Are Ready To Get More Sales From Your WhatsApp TV Ads, Here's Your Passport!!
What You'll Discover In This 1 Hour Audio Training

You are going to have two payment options, and the option you choose depends on how much you can spend and how much value you wish to receive.
Please kindly pay 100% attention from this point cos I won't enjoy answering questions that already have clear answers.
Here are your options
Option 1 (Standard Offer)
Before You Run That WhatsApp TV Audio Couse + (Bonuses)
Option 2 (Plus Offer)
Before You Run That WhatsApp TV Audio Couse + (Bonuses) + 100 WhatsApp TV's Book by Abbie Akande.

Also Included:
- Other WhatsApp influencers with responsive audience that can drive heavy traffic for your adverts in less than 24hrs.
- Templates to get influencers to respond to your message even if they are very busy.
I'm still putting the training together.
It's expected to re-launch by 6 pm, Tuesday, 12th of April 2022, but may take longer until I'm 100% satisfied that I'm delivering something that's top notch.
This gives you enough time to add it to your budget and zero excuses about financial inadequacy. NOTE: You'll only have a few hours to secure your copy once it's ready to launch.
If everything you have read here makes 100% sense to you. Click the button below to request to be added to my Waitlist.
Dyu Feel This Training is Expensive?
Hmmm..... I get how you feel, but then, have you really thought about the cost of not taking action?
Have you thought of how costly losing money in 3 WhatsApp influencer adverts back to back feels like?
Have you calculated how expensive ignorance is compared to knowledge?
Naturally, we are wired to think of the immediate cost of action, but too often, we forget to calculate the future cost of not taking action.
Unfortunately, the ability to see the future and prepare ahead for it, is one super power that rich people have over everyday people.
I believe that's the kind of mental attitude and habit you should copy, don't you think?
Alright, since you now agree with me, click the button below to join the waitlist
Still think we are asking you for too much?
No problems, but remember that somewhere in the future, you'll run WhatsApp TV Ads again and when you get the same poor results (because you keep doing the same things over and over again, You'll remember that you saw this message but didn't act on it (sad face)
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