Your Order is Intact, But Consider This
Epic Time Limited Offer!
The No.1 Academy For Serious Authors Aiming For The BIG Megamillions!

Hi Dearest Author,
Yes, I know I interrupted your order completion, but it's for your sake.
Let me ask you one question:
Do you have the mind to handle huge success in life?
Can you the huge exposure, attention and opportunities that comes with being BIG?!
If you are damn sure you can, then the "Your Book Will Sell Academy" is for your kind of author.
What you have gotten so far is likened to someone who is climbing Mount Everest and has gotten to the 1/3rd of the Zenith.
Of course, many other people won't even make it that far! You have done very well.
You could decide to stay at that 1/3rd level of the mountain, or you could choose to climb to the very top- It's the same mountain, but different levels of accomplishments, and each level comes with a different vision and mentality!
The Your Book Will Sell Academy is for you is you are aiming for the bigger game for the longer term!
It brings the highly coveted strategic approaches of 25 experts who have each sold tens of millions of their books, into one online learning platform where you can immerse yourself into their minds and legally steal their strategies to rake in insane revenue from your book writing efforts!
Here's Everything You Get When You Join The Academy Today

1. The "Your Book Will Sell" Academy- 40 Premium Video Sessions featuring 24 experts:
Including Epic Sessions Like:
- "Mess Your Design, Damage Your Book!" - Fola Folagbade
- "Strategy Should Always Come First!" - Coach Sam Obafemi
- "Seducing People To Buy Through Compelling Copywriting" -
Obinna Okeke
- "How To Sell 3000 Copies of your Fiction Book in 30 days!" - Emeka Nobis
- "Sell While Sleeping!" Emeka Nobis.
- "Becoming an Amazon Bestseller That Actually Makes Money!" - Lucy Agwunobi
- "How To Make 1 Million Monthly From Your Book!" - DJ Sobanjo
- "Selling Your Book Using the Sliced Watermelon Technique" - Dr. Mazi Eze
- "Livestreaming Your Way To Fame and Riches" - Naomi Osemedua"
- "How I made 45 Million From My Book!" - Steve Harris
and 30 other epic expert sessions...
To sit with each of these experts for an hour would close you no less than ₦50,000 EACH!
Value- ₦40,000 (That's like paying just 1000 per expert session!)

2. The "Your Book Will Sell" Hardcover back Book- + Free Shipping to ANYWHERE in Nigeria
Value (₦6000 + ₦3000)= ₦9000
3. 8 of Emeka's Bestselling Digital Books:
1. Got a Tough Boss? Buy Him a Banana! (₦2000)

2. Abandon The Dots (₦4,000)

3. Rantings of A Lettered Mind (₦3500)

4. Mad Men Speak Revelations (₦3500)

5. Revirgined! (₦4000)

6. Four Feet Five! (₦4000)

7. Grow Your Platform (₦3500)

8. Unchurched! (₦3500)

5. 25 other Digital Books from world renowned experts covering Business, Personal Development...
VALUE: ₦200,000
6. The "Your Book Will Sell" Facebook Support Community (Lifetime Access)
Buying a learning program that has no support community is like buying a major productivity gadget that has no troubleshooting guide!
You will definitely have more questions while you learn in the Academy, who will answer them for you?
The Support Community of course!
Value- (Priceless!)
Total Calculable Value: ₦277,000
You missed out!
This Offer at the madman price of just ₦40,000 is only available till Midnight, February 28th (Saturday Midnight)....
After this date which Emeka returns the price to ₦75,000 (and some bonuses may be eliminated- we've removed some already!)
Here's what some authors in the Academy Have to say
Niyi Soyinka Sold 700 Copies of His Book in 90 Days!
Nkem Offonabo sold out all 300 copies of her book using Steve Harris' strategy in the "Your Book Will Sell Academy" !
Kazeem's Used Preorder Strategy To Fund His Book development!
Princess Amos Lost Her Entire Business To Fire, Yet See What She Did!

Ready To Become A Wildly Successful Author?
Please click the button below to claim your discounted offer before it's gone forever! (The button Will take Emeka's "Your Book Will Sell" Academy order Page)
Got Any Other Genuine Enquiries To Make? Message me on WhatsApp at
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