A Bestseller Does Not Happen in a Vacuum!
Selling A LOT of your Book Requires Strategic Marketing!!

From The Desk of Broda Dapo (February 13th, 2021)
When most authors finally decide to write for money- a book, they almost always start with the wrong path:
They start with the product... like almost all new untrained entrepreneurs do.
No my friend! That's the sure path to a failed or poorly performing book!
That's like you trying to fit a square peg into a .......(insert your preferred type of)... hole.
There are several key things to consider before you even put your pen to paper....
It's very easy to accidentally think a good book guarantees great sales....but in the real sense, this is only half true!
Yes, you'd want your audience to have an "ah- mazing" experience reading your book, but that's if you even succeed in getting ENOUGH OF THEM to buy it in the first place!
and it goes beyond just the book's content and has A LOT MORE to do with the people who are gonna buy your book- The Market!
Here's a small example,
The Market must:
- have a painful problem that they WANT solved or a highly desired status that your book will help them attain (a fiery hot market).
- have a sufficient number of your ideal customer who want this painful problem solved or who want to attain that desired status.
Bottom line: there must be a Market to Offer Match, if you are ever gonna experience mind blowing sales!
There is absolutely no sense in creating something that many people don't REALLY DESIRE!
You as an author who wants to be insanely profitable need to be "finger-licking" good in the acts of:
- Listening To Uncover Your Ideal Audience Wants and Needs.
- Getting in Front of Enough These Right People
- Creating Something They Really Wanna Buy
- Persuasively Communicating with them
- Giving Them An Offer They will Find Very Hard To Refuse!
as you can already see from the above.....there are rules to this game...BIG SALES don't just happen in a vacuum of cluelessness!
UNKNOWN SECRET: Marketing is 80% Psychology, 20% tactics...
How many copies of your book would you have to sell to feel successful?
1,000? 5,000? 10,000? 100,000?
Whatever the number,
Can you confidently say you have precise, sure repeatable strategies and frameworks that are guaranteed to sell your book right now?
If your answer is a strong "No" or a weak "yes", then you already know what the future looks like....
The good news is: You and I can prevent that future- if it's not already a present sef...
That's why on February 2nd, I invited Emeka Nobis- a mega successful author of 13 Books and book marketing expert to share with authors and authors to be 15 Strategies that can turn your book marketing/ selling game around...
We had 95 people in the original event, and this is what some had to say!

Now it's your turn to experience the same paradigm shifts they experienced.
To build a more profitable book selling business, you need to become a better you- period !
.......and yes! Selling Your Book is a Business Venture- don't be ashamed of it!
What You'll Discover in this Webinar:
The Sneaky Dark Secret About Many Nigerian "Amazon Bestsellers"
The "The "Kuku Kill me" truth about traditional publishing- Emeka was called an "Economic Risk" by an Italian company because of this!
The Most Foundational Truth about Marketing that you must know BEFORE you try selling ANYTHING (and No! It has less to do with the tech and tactics! [Minute 15:49]
The First Most Important Question you must answer BEFORE you start write your first word on that manuscript. [Minute 16:16]
The Correct Mindset you must have about your book writing efforts. [Minute 19:26]
The Second Super Important Question you must answer before you type a single word in your word processor [Minute 21:41]
The Third Important Question you must answer before typing your first draft. [Minute 22:27]
The 2 No. 1 Areas you must NEVER FAIL to make a GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION with your book! [Minute 25:19]
5 [SMSCC] Different Types of Book Titles That Win! (and the Psychology behind them) [Minute 27:24 - 32:33]
The 2 Crucial Emotions your book must activate in a person seeing it in the first few seconds, if they are gonna even consider buying [Minute 32:35]
The Most Important Person marketing your book? Who is it?
(and No! It's not whom you are thinking right now!) [Minute 33:10]
The Absolute Right Time To Start Marketing Your Book [Minute 33:50]
The Crucial Activities to engage in once the idea for your book drops in your head [Minute 34:25]
The Most Important Persons To Involve during The development of your book, so they MENTALLY TAKE OWNERSHIP long before you book even drops!
Emeka used this Strategy to get many people to buy the same copy of the same book TWICE, HAPPILY, without any deceit whatsoever! [Minute 34:48]
The "Take Free Suya" strategy you can borrow from Suya Mallams, to get people to start salivating for your book like hungry, happy dogs that just saw their favourite food! [Minute 36: 44 -40-20]
This same Strategy was used by Otunba Akin Alabi with his groundbreaking book "Small Business, Big Money"
An Important Human Emotion You Must Always Trigger in EVERY of Your Book Selling Campaign [Minute 40:26]
There are some other person that should also be talking about your book, who are they, and how do you get them to do it? [Minute 41:17]
Many authors/creators make the mistake of only communicating from one angle while marketing their book. It gets BORING after a while. How do you retain FRESHNESS into your selling communications? [Minute 42:00 - 44:14]
If you never thought public speaking was Important to book marketing, go straight to [Minute 44:22 - 46:44]
Do you notice your respect for and value of a person goes up after you see them pose in a picture with several important figures? You can apply the same psychology behind this act to your book selling, find this in [Minute 46:45]
These and more you'll discover in this Webinar once you gain access- 15 Epic, Battle-tested Book Strategies/Wisdom in all!
Now, I know that there are many more people (like yourself) out there who couldn't hear about this Livestream when we did it weeks ago.....
That's why I have brought (the replay) back for you, so you can benefit from this knowledge as many others did, and give humanity a book that will change lives...
If you were going to sit down with Emeka for an hour to be shown all the above, how much do you think he'd charge you? Be VERY HONEST!
You and I know very well that the most valued asset of very successful people is THEIR TIME...
For someone of that calibre, a fair price would be ₦50,000 per hour!
If you were to sit in a conference where he is invited to speak, you would pay nothing less ₦20,000
You are however going to get the same quality of information (obviously) at a much more discounted price....
This Webinar is available for a very small Investment of just:
$4 (or ₦1995)....
In addition to this, previous participants also gained access to 3 of Emeka's High Value Digital Books and (you will too):
[Special Bonus] "Black Friday Money Jazz" - (₦2000)

"Publish It, Make Money" - (₦2000)

[Special Bonus] "How To Blow on Social Media in 30 Days" - (₦3000)

As with all valuable things in life, they cannot be made available without end, The current low price is what it is for two reasons:
1. To put the information within the reach of as many authors and authors-to-be as possible.
2. To see if I can still recover my advertising costs and still strike meaningful returns for my efforts while keeping this offer very affordable (so that even a roadside beggar can afford it)
If I'm unable to achieve (No.2) with little stress, then the price goes up immediately without any forewarning...(in fact, my Ad cost is already going up, so I've increased price twice already, to meet up)

As you can see, I have (deliberately) not put a timer on this page because I don't know what will happen next, so you may reopen this page the next hour, and see that price has gone up (AGAIN!)....
I believe you don't need to be arm-twisted with advanced psychological gimmicks to invest (even peanuts) in your own dreams.....
Here are some more people sharing their experience at the webinar

"How To Sell Your Book Like Crazy" Webinar - Value - ₦20,000
"Black Friday Money Jazz" - Value - (₦2000)
"Publish It, Make Money" -Value - (₦2000)
"Unchurched" - Value- (₦2000)
Today's Price
$4 (or ₦1995)....
How much value do you place on your book sales dream?
Is your dream worth investing ₦1995 in or not? Should that even be a question?!
I'm sure you don't think ₦1995 (a movie ticket price) is too much to invest in knowledge you'll own forever....
If you think so, then you are saying you are cheap (I'm sure you are not), and that means you will attract the same exact crowd to your books, because you will lack the confidence to charge properly for your efforts or you will overcharge.
What then will you say when i show you an author who successfully sold 500 copies of a ₦39,999 book? I didn't say textbook- mind you!
You want to sell your book to quality people at premium prices? You must become what quality looks like first.
I don't want you to pay more to access this webinar and EPIC Bonuses, when you can pay less now. So help me help you by deciding to take this offer now that it's still affordable, before my next price increase.
Click the button below to make this small financial Investment in your dreams and claim what's rightly yours..
Got Any Other Genuine Enquiries To Make? Message me on WhatsApp at wa.me/2348182075639
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