A 33rd Year Special.....
Get My Trainings at just 33% of their regular prices...
Offer Lasts While Birthweek Lasts

Hi there!
You are seeing this page because of only two reasons:
Today (March 18, 2023) is my birthday.
You found about my birthday offer on my trainings and you want to benefit from such "once in purple moon" opportunity.
Important things to note to make things easy for you!!
Please note, there will usually be two buttons beneath each course.
One will show you what the course offers plus the original price.
This is so that you can see what you are getting when you pay.
The second button will allow you access to the 33% discount page
Please note that payment will be done on Paystack for easy processing and access. No manual bank transfer accounts will be provided - I don't like stress on top discounts!
Paystack allows you to use several payment options including Transfer, card, etc. (many nigerians don't know this )
I absolutely recommend that you use card as preferred option (If you have a card), it is less prone to delays or errors unlike "transfer" or USSD.
Lastly, if you experience any payment issues, there is a button at the end of this page to send me an email for resolution.
I assume you understand everything now?
Here's the list of courses on discount.
Take advantage in time. See you on the inside
The 7 Pillars of Effective Sales Systems

SPECIAL "Pay What You Can Afford" OFFER: Succeed With whatsApp