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Before You Continue....

Don't get too comfortable just yet! This is where many people lose the ball!

Your payment has given you 7 days worth of access time to finish this article, but if you are wise (and I believe you are), you WILL NOT wait that long to finish.

Why should you finish as quickly as possible? It's simple

The Principle of Compressed Action

You will get more results out of a series of consistent inputs than scattered disjointed inputs.

Your learning only makes sense when you easily remember where you are coming from and where you are going to.

With that said, try to finish everything within the next 2 days!

Now continue from where you stopped. Happy finishing.

Introduction - The 5 Real Reasons You Are Not Making Enough Sales Online

The Genesis Of Headaches - How A Product Obsessed Educational System Prepares Brilliant People For Failure.

Grandpa's 30 Year's Old "Microwave"

Billaria - The Adulthood Sickness That Destroys Promising Futures. 

6 Blind Men And The Elephant.

 Of Course! Going Back To School Is Hard!!

 A Special Invitation For You